Welcome to the United Nations
OFFICE OF INTERNAL OVERSIGHT SERVICES | Investigations Division Report Wrongdoing
1. Who is/was engaged in the possible act(s) of misconduct? Provide name, title and any other relevant details.
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Middle Name(s)
Last Name(s)
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2. What happened? Please provide the details of the possible misconduct. Be as precise as possible.
3. When was the possible misconduct committed?
4. Where was the possible misconduct committed?
Please Select Country
Describe the location
5. How was the possible misconduct perpetrated? For example, were any checks, procedures or safeguards circumvented or violated to carry out the act(s)?
6. To your knowledge, WHY were the act(s) undertaken by the person who allegedly committed the misconduct?
7. Is there any specific evidence (e.g. documentation, witnesses) that you are aware of and how can they be located or contacted?
8. Specify if the misconduct has been already reported and to which office/entity?
9. Please provide the contact details for OIOS to contact you:
I prefer to remain anonymous, understanding that OIOS may not be able to obtain additional details from me or pursue appropriate action on the matter due to my anonymity.
OIOS notes that you prefer to remain anonymous and invites you to provide an anonymized email address to assist OIOS in its inquiries.
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